class ChessPiece

An abstract class for a chess piece (pawn, king, rook, etc.)



Public Class Methods

new(name, color, position, points) click to toggle source

Initializes a piece with its name, color, position, and score.

@param [String] name The name of the piece. @param [String] color What side the piece is on. @param [Array<Integer>] position An array of length two representing the row and column ([row, col]). An integer indicating how many points the piece is worth.

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 18
def initialize(name, color, position, points)
  @name = name
  @color = color
  @position = position
  @points = points
  @move_tree =

Public Instance Methods

<=>(other) click to toggle source

Compare pieces based on their point values. Note: Since Bishop and Knight point values are equal, it returns -1 if this piece is a knight and 1 if this piece is a bishop. This is an arbitrary choice to differentiate them.

@param [ChessPiece] other The ChessPiece object to compare against self. @returns [Integer] 0 if the pieces are equal in point values, 1 if self has a greater point value, and -1 otherwise.

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 113
def <=>(other)
  return nil unless other.is_a? ChessPiece

  value_comparison = @points <=> other.points
  return value_comparison unless && @points == 3

  pieces = [@name,].sort

  both_knights = ['♞'.white, '♘'].repeated_combination(2).any? { |combo| pieces == combo }
  both_bishops = ['♝'.white, '♗'].repeated_combination(2).any? { |combo| pieces == combo }

  return 0 if both_knights || both_bishops

  return -1 if (@name == '♞'.white) || (@name == '♘')

  # This piece is a bishop and the other is a knight, so return 1.
build_directional_tree_nodes(direction = [1, 0]) click to toggle source

Add children to move tree nodes such that each move is a child node of the move that precedes it.

@param [Array<Integer>] direction An array of integers of length 2 indicating the movement in the vertical and horizontal net changes. For just vertical movement, direction is [1, 0]. For diagonal moves, it's [1, 1]. The MoveTreeNode that has as its children all the spaces in the given direction.

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 95
def build_directional_tree_nodes(direction = [1, 0])
  vertical_movement, horizontal_movement = direction
  closest_move =
  (2..7).each do |spaces|
    current_child = closest_move
    (spaces - 2).times { current_child = current_child.children[0] }
    current_child.add_child([spaces * vertical_movement, spaces * horizontal_movement])

can_capture?(other_piece) click to toggle source

Returns whether the piece can capture another piece given its position.

@param [ChessPiece] other_piece The ChessPiece that is the proposed target. @return [true] if self can move there (overridden by the Pawn class)

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 73
def can_capture?(other_piece)
  return true unless other_piece.is_a? ChessPiece

  return false if other_piece.color == @color

  # Most pieces can capture if they can move there. Pawns are the exception.
move(to) click to toggle source

Updates position to be the to. Returns the piece with the updated location.

@param [Array<Integer>] to An integer array of length 2 denoting the new location of the piece. @return [ChessPiece]

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 32
def move(to)
  @position = to
move_tree_in_bounds() click to toggle source

Returns and assigns @move_tree with all moves in bounds

@return A move tree of moves that are within the bounds of the 8 x 8 chess board.

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 60
def move_tree_in_bounds
  @move_tree.each do |node|
    @move_tree.trim_branch!(node) unless node.loc.all? { |coord| coord.between?(0, 7) }

possible_moves() click to toggle source

Returns a move tree of legal move positions.

This method takes the @move_tree_template and @position attributes and uses them to create a new MoveTree object with the exact coordinates.

@return [MoveTree] A move tree of moves based on the current position that are currently in bounds.

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 44
def possible_moves
  row, col = @position
  @move_tree = @move_tree_template.clone || move_tree
  @move_tree.each do |node|
    r, c = node.loc
    potential_space = [row + r, col + c]
    node.loc = potential_space

to_s() click to toggle source

Returns the name of the piece with a space after it.

@return [String] The name of the piece of its color with a space after it.

# File lib/chess_pieces/chess_piece.rb, line 86
def to_s
  "#{@name} ".colorize(color: @color.to_sym)