class ChessGame
A chess game that contains the game board, rules, validation of moves, and computing check/checkmate.
Public Class Methods
Creates instance variables and sets up the board for the start of the game.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 28 def initialize(white_player='human', black_player='human') @board = setup_board @current_player_color = 'white' @king_locs = { white: [0, 4], black: [7, 4] } @move_history = [] @game_winner = nil @check_in_play = false @castle_king = false @players = { 'white' => white_player, 'black' => black_player } end
Public Instance Methods
Returns an hash of moves that will allow the current player to be out of check. If the list is empty, nil is returned instead.
@return [Hash <Array, Array> or nil] Array of valid moves unless it's empty.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 503 def available_moves player_pieces = board_pieces_by_color[@current_player_color == 'white' ? 0 : 1] valid_moves = {} player_pieces.each do |piece| valid_moves[piece.position] = [] legal_moves(piece).each do |move| valid_moves[piece.position] << forecast_move(piece.position, move) rescue StandardError next end end valid_moves.filter! { |_key, val| !val.empty? } valid_moves.empty? ? nil : valid_moves end
Returns an array with 2 arrays, the first of which is all the white pieces and the second is all the black pieces.
@return [Array<Array<ChessPieces>>] Array of arrays for white and black pieces.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 536 def board_pieces_by_color pieces = @board.flatten.filter { |space| space.is_a? ChessPiece } white_pieces = pieces.filter { |piece| piece.color == 'white' } black_pieces = pieces.filter { |piece| piece.color == 'black' } [white_pieces, black_pieces] end
Returns whether or not a king can make the castle move or not
@param [Array<Integer>] from An integer array of length 2 denoting the position of the piece to move. @param [Array<Integer>] to An integer array of length 2 denoting the position to move the piece at from
to. @return [Boolean] whether the king can make the castle move or not.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 351 def can_castle?(from, to) return false unless from[0] == to[0] && to[1].between?(from[1] - 2, from[1] + 2) tcol = to[1] fcol = from[1] row = from[0] case fcol - tcol when 2 # Moving left, check all the left spaces are empty @board[row][0].is_a?(Rook) && @board[row][1] == BLANK_SQUARE && @board[row][2] == BLANK_SQUARE && @board[row][3] == BLANK_SQUARE when -2 # Moving right @board[row][7].is_a?(Rook) && @board[row][6] == BLANK_SQUARE && @board[row][5] == BLANK_SQUARE else false end end
Checks whether a king is currently in check. If it is, it returns the piece that puts it in check and nil otherwise.
@return [ChessPiece or nil] The piece that puts a king in check and nil otherwise.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 484 def check_check white_pieces, black_pieces = board_pieces_by_color # If black king is in check white_pieces.each do |piece| return piece if legal_moves(piece).include? @king_locs[:black] end # If white king is in check black_pieces.each do |piece| return piece if legal_moves(piece).include? @king_locs[:white] end nil end
Determines whether the game ends with a checkmate or stalemate.
@return [String] “Checkmate” for a game over, “Stalemate” for a draw, and “continue” otherwise.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 371 def check_game_over immovable = available_moves.nil? # Checkmate condition return 'Checkmate' if @check_in_play && immovable # Stalemate condition return 'Stalemate' if !@check_in_play && immovable # Neither conidtions met 'continue' end
Converts coordinates into algebraic notation space names. Inverse method of convert_coordinates
@param [Array<Integer>] coord_arr An array of integers of length 2 corresponding to the row and column of the space on +@board+.
@return [String] The string corresponding to the row and column name of the space of the board using algebraic notation.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 164 def convert_algebraic_coordinates(coord_arr) "#{COORDINATES_TO_BOARD[coord_arr[1]]}#{coord_arr[0] + 1}" end
Converts algebraic notation space names to coordinates corresponding with @board.
@param [String] coord_str A string of length 2 that has encoded within it the column and row of a space on the chess board. @return [Array<Integer>] An array of integers of length 2 denoting the row and column positions corresponding to @board.
For example, passing in 'a4' would return [0, 3].
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 153 def convert_coordinates(coord_str) [(coord_str[1].to_i - 1), BOARD_TO_COORDINATES[coord_str[0]]] end
Returns an array of the valid En Passant moves for a given pawn
@param [Pawn] pawn The pawn to find the En Passant moves of. @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] Array of legal move spaces that the pawn can move to where En Passant applies.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 462 def get_en_passant_moves(pawn) # Check spaces beside the pawn for En Passant pawn_row, pawn_col = pawn.position r_piece_loc = [pawn_row + pawn.direction, pawn_col + 1] r_piece = @board[pawn_row][pawn_col + 1] l_piece_loc = [pawn_row + pawn.direction, pawn_col - 1] l_piece = @board[pawn_row][pawn_col - 1] en_passant_moves = [] en_passant_moves << r_piece_loc if (r_piece.is_a? Pawn) && pawn.can_capture?(r_piece) en_passant_moves << l_piece_loc if (l_piece.is_a? Pawn) && pawn.can_capture?(l_piece) en_passant_moves end
Returns an array of the legal moves that the piece can make. This will prevent pieces from going through other pieces (except for the knight, of course). It does so by iterating through chess_piece
's move tree in level order, dequeing any nodes that are invalid.
@param [ChessPiece] chess_piece The ChessPiece
to find the legal moves of. @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] Array of legal move spaces that the piece can move to.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 391 def legal_moves(chess_piece) return pawn_legal_moves(chess_piece) if chess_piece.is_a? Pawn move_tree = chess_piece.possible_moves legal_moves_array = [] visit_queue = move_tree.root.children until visit_queue.empty? current_node = visit_queue.shift row, col = current_node.loc space = @board[row][col] # If it's a chess piece, check if it can capture. if space.is_a? ChessPiece # If the piece can capture it, add it as a valid space, but don't # add any of its children to visit_queue. next unless chess_piece.can_capture?(space) else # If there's not piece, it can continue along the move tree. current_node.children.each { |child| visit_queue << child } end # Append legal move locations legal_moves_array << current_node.loc end legal_moves_array end
Moves a piece at a given location to another location if the move is valid. Raises an InvalidMoveError
@param [Array<Integer>] from An integer array of length 2 denoting the position of the piece to move. @param [Array<Integer>] to An integer array of length 2 denoting the position to move the piece at from
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 236 def make_move(from, to) # Raises an execption if the move isn't valid validate_move(from, to) frow, fcol = from piece = @board[frow][fcol] trow, tcol = to other_space = @board[trow][tcol] # Keep track of move_counts for Pawns and Kings case piece when King reset_move_count = piece.moved? when Pawn reset_move_count = piece.move_count end # Capture a piece if the pawn performed En Passant @board[frow][tcol] = BLANK_SQUARE if piece.is_a?(Pawn) && get_en_passant_moves(piece).include?(to) # Move the piece on the board if piece.is_a?(Pawn) @board[trow][tcol] = piece.move(to, @players[@current_player_color]) else @board[trow][tcol] = piece.move(to) end @board[frow][fcol] = BLANK_SQUARE # If a piece is a king, do special checks if piece.is_a?(King) @king_locs[@current_player_color.to_sym] = to # Check if the king is being castled if @castle_king # Reset the flag for the other player's king @castle_king = false if tcol == fcol - 2 @board[trow][tcol + 1] = @board[trow][0].move([trow, tcol + 1]) @board[trow][0] = BLANK_SQUARE else @board[trow][tcol - 1] = @board[trow][7].move([trow, tcol - 1]) @board[trow][7] = BLANK_SQUARE end end end # Check for check check_piece = check_check @check_in_play = !check_check.nil? unless check_piece.nil? # Move keeps/makes their own king in check. if check_piece.color != @current_player_color || check_piece.is_a?(King) # Undo the move @board[frow][fcol] = piece.move(from) @board[trow][tcol] = other_space # Undo movement for tracking ones case piece when King piece.moved = reset_move_count when Pawn piece.move_count -= 2 end raise(InvalidMoveError, "Moving that #{piece.class} leaves your king in check!") else puts 'Check!' puts 'Type "help" to get a list of moves to get out of check!' end end # Change whose turn it is change_turn end
Parses a move input string to determine the type of input given. The different suppored moves are:
A string of length 4 indicating the start space and the end space.
e.g 'a2a4' would return [[0, 1], [0, 3]]
A string of length 8 in the form of “[start] to [end]”
e.g 'a2 to a4' would return [[0, 1], [0, 3]]
TODO : Add more supported moves
@param [String] input The raw player input
@return [Array<Array<Integer>>] An array of arrays of length 2 representing from
and to
to pass into make_move
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 132 def parse_move(input) case input.size when 4 from = convert_coordinates(input[0..1]) to = convert_coordinates(input[2..3]) [from, to] when 8 from = convert_coordinates(input[0..1]) to = convert_coordinates(input[-2..-1]) [from, to] end end
Returns an array of legal moves that a pawn can make. Since a pawn can only move diagonally if it can capture a piece, it is its own special case.
@param [Pawn] pawn The pawn to find the legal moves of. @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] Array of legal move spaces that the pawn can move to.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 422 def pawn_legal_moves(pawn) # Assign the move tree for pawn pawn.possible_moves # Check if pawn can capture right diagonal piece r_diag = pawn.move_tree.root.children[1] l_diag = pawn.move_tree.root.children[2] unless r_diag.nil? r_diag_loc = r_diag.loc r_diag_piece = @board[r_diag_loc[0]][r_diag_loc[1]] pawn.move_tree.trim_branch!(r_diag_loc) unless pawn.can_capture?(r_diag_piece) end unless l_diag.nil? # Check if pawn can capture left diagonal piece l_diag_loc = l_diag.loc l_diag_piece = @board[l_diag_loc[0]][l_diag_loc[1]] pawn.move_tree.trim_branch!(l_diag_loc) unless pawn.can_capture?(l_diag_piece) end # Check if the two spaces ahead of an unmoved pawn is occupied unless pawn.move_tree.root.children[0].children.empty? front_loc = pawn.move_tree.root.children[0].children[0].loc front_piece = @board[front_loc[0]][front_loc[1]] pawn.move_tree.trim_branch!(front_loc) if front_piece.is_a? ChessPiece end # Check if there is a piece immediately in front of the pawn front_loc = pawn.move_tree.root.children[0].loc front_piece = @board[front_loc[0]][front_loc[1]] pawn.move_tree.trim_branch!(front_loc) if front_piece.is_a? ChessPiece pawn.move_tree.to_a + get_en_passant_moves(pawn) end
Runs the main game loop for a chess game, which is comprised of several stages:
Parse player input
Attempt to make a move
Check for check/checkmate
Repeat until game over or saved
@return [String] @game_winner The winner of the game if there is one.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 48 def play puts self while @game_winner.nil? puts "It's #{@current_player_color}'s turn." case @players[@current_player_color] when 'human' input_command = player_input when 'random' input_command = random_move else input_command = random_move end if input_command.nil? puts 'Please input a legal move. Type "help" for an example.' next elsif input_command == 'save' break end case input_command.size when 2 from, to = input_command end begin make_move(from, to) @move_history << "#{convert_algebraic_coordinates(from)}#{convert_algebraic_coordinates(to)}" puts self rescue InvalidMoveError => e puts 'Invalid move!' puts e.message next rescue StandardError => e puts e.message end # Check whether the game is over or not case check_game_over when 'Checkmate' @game_winner = @current_player_color == 'white' ? 'black' : 'white' puts 'Checkmate!' when 'Stalemate' @game_winner = 'Stalemate' puts 'It\'s a draw!' else @game_winner = == [1, 1] ? 'stalemate' : nil end end @game_winner end
Accepts player input and either returns the components needed to input a move or saves the game.
@return [Array<Array<Integer>>] An array of arrays of length 2 representing from
and to
to pass into make_move
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 107 def player_input input = gets.chomp input = input&.downcase case player_input_type(input) when 'move' parse_move(input) when 'help' print_help_menu when 'save' save_game end end
Returns the type of player input, whether they input a game-ending command or a move command.
@param [String] input String of the player input to parse and determine the type of input. @return [String] The type of player input; 'save', 'help', or 'move'.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 174 def player_input_type(input) %w[save quit exit end].each { |end_word| return 'save' if input.include?(end_word) } %w[help tutorial ?].each { |help_word| return 'help' if input.include?(help_word) } 'move' end
Prints the moves that the current player can make to get out of check.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 221 def print_out_of_check_moves puts 'Here are potential moves to get out of of check:' available_moves.each do |from_loc, to_loc_array| puts "#{convert_algebraic_coordinates(from_loc)} => #{ do |to| convert_algebraic_coordinates(to) end }" end end
Chooses a random move from the list of available moves.
@return [Array<Array<Integer>>] [from, to]
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 524 def random_move move_hash = available_moves from = move_hash.keys.sample to = move_hash[from].sample [from, to] end
Saves the game by dumping the object into a YAML file.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 184 def save_game puts 'Please input a name for the save file.' file_name = gets.chomp while File.exist?("saves/#{file_name}") puts "saves/#{file_name} already exists; please choose a different name." file_name = gets.chomp end save_file ="saves/#{file_name}", 'w') save_file.write(YAML.dump(self)) save_file.close 'save' end
Returns a string of a board with pieces and appropriately shaded spaces.
@return [String] The chess board.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 548 def to_s string_stream = history_offset = @move_history.size 8.downto(1) do |row| string_stream << " #{row} " @board[row - 1].each_with_index do |col, col_num| bg_color = (row - 1) % 2 == col_num % 2 ? BLACK_SQAURE : WHITE_SQUARE string_stream << col.to_s.colorize(bg_color) end string_stream << "\t" move_index = 8 - row + (history_offset - 8) move_index = 8 - row if (history_offset - 8).negative? string_stream << "#{move_index + 1}. #{@move_history[move_index]}" string_stream << "\n" end string_stream << ' a b c d e f g h ' string_stream.string end
Determines whether or not the move is a valid move. If the move is valid, it returns that space on the board. Raises an InvalidMoveError
with a specific message if the move is invalid.
@param [Array<Integer>] from An integer array of length 2 denoting the position of the piece to move. @param [Array<Integer>] to An integer array of length 2 denoting the position to move the piece at from
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 320 def validate_move(from, to) frow, fcol = from piece = @board[frow][fcol] raise(InvalidMoveError, "No piece at #{convert_algebraic_coordinates(from)}") unless piece.is_a? ChessPiece unless piece.color == @current_player_color raise(InvalidMoveError, "You cannot move opponent's piece at #{convert_algebraic_coordinates(from)}") end possible_moves = legal_moves(piece) unless possible_moves.include?(to) # Check if it's trying to castle the king if piece.is_a?(King) && !piece.moved? && can_castle?(from, to) @castle_king = true else raise(InvalidMoveError, "Your #{piece.class} cannot move from #{convert_algebraic_coordinates(from)} to #{convert_algebraic_coordinates(to)}.") end end trow, tcol = to @board[trow][tcol] end
Protected Instance Methods
Changes whose turn it is by switching between 'black' and 'white'.
@return [String] @current_player_color The current player color whose turn it is.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 635 def change_turn @current_player_color = @current_player_color == 'white' ? 'black' : 'white' end
Moves a piece at a given location to another location, checks if the the move leaves the current player's king in check, returns the piece to its original spot, and returns the move if valid.
@param [Array<Integer>] from An integer array of length 2 denoting the position of the piece to move. @param [Array<Integer>] to An integer array of length 2 denoting the position to move the piece at from
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 646 def forecast_move(from, to) # Raises an execption if the move isn't valid validate_move(from, to) frow, fcol = from piece = @board[frow][fcol] trow, tcol = to other_space = @board[trow][tcol] # Keep track of move_counts for Kings has_moved = piece.moved? if piece.is_a?(King) # Move the piece on the board if piece.is_a?(Pawn) @board[trow][tcol] = piece.move(to, @players[@current_player_color]) else @board[trow][tcol] = piece.move(to) end @board[frow][fcol] = BLANK_SQUARE @king_locs[@current_player_color.to_sym] = to if piece.is_a?(King) # Check for check check_piece = check_check # Undo the move @king_locs[@current_player_color.to_sym] = from if piece.is_a?(King) @board[frow][fcol] = piece.move(from) @board[trow][tcol] = other_space # Undo movement for tracking ones case piece when King piece.moved = has_moved when Pawn piece.move_count -= 2 end unless check_piece.nil? || (check_piece.color == @current_player_color && !check_piece.is_a?(King)) # If check_piece is a King, then both kings are in check and it's an illegal # move. raise(InvalidMoveError, "Moving that #{piece.class} leaves your king in check!") end to end
Returns an array of back row pieces of the appropriate color on the appropriate row based on color
@param [String] color A string denoting the color of pieces to place. @return [Array<ChessPiece>] The row of chess pieces in the standard setup.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 619 def place_back_row(color) back_row = color == 'white' ? 0 : 7 [, [back_row, 0]),, [back_row, 1]),, [back_row, 2]),, [back_row, 3]),, [back_row, 4]),, [back_row, 5]),, [back_row, 6]),, [back_row, 7])] end
Returns an array of pawns of the appropriate color on the appropriate row based on color
@param [String] color A string denoting the color of pawns to place. @return [Array<Pawn>] Row of pawns to place on the board.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 606 def place_pawns(color) pawn_row = color == 'white' ? 1 : 6 pawns = [] 8.times { |col| pawns <<, [pawn_row, col]) } pawns end
Returns the 2 arrays of the chess pieces in the proper places based od their color.
@param [String] color A string denoting the color of pieces to place. @return [Array<Array<ChessPiece>>] The two rows of chess pieces for the standard setup of the chess board.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 590 def place_pieces(color) pawns = place_pawns(color) back_row_pieces = place_back_row(color) if color == 'white' [back_row_pieces, pawns] else [pawns, back_row_pieces] end end
Returns an array that sets the board up for the start of the game.
@return [Array<Array>] The chess board represented as an array.
# File lib/chess_game.rb, line 576 def setup_board rows = place_pieces('white') rows += {, BLANK_SQUARE) } rows += place_pieces('black') rows end